Namkeen Mixing Plant
- We develop & refine the processes and design, engineer & manufacture the machinery that make up complete food processing and packaging systems.
- Experienced food technologists work with customers to determine the exact process profile that creates their product’s unique characteristics.
- Innovative engineering solutions produce equipment that’s designed for maximum versatility and production efficiency.
- Skilled craftsmen, using state-of-the-art manufacturing tools, build rugged machinery to with stand the toughest production schedules and harshest working environments.
- Dedicated project managers closely monitor the progress of each project, keeping close contact with customers to make sure specifications are met & deliveries are on-time.
- On-site installation time and costs are minimized with up-front engineering, modular constructions, and careful attention to the integration of all system components.
- From concepts to the production live, Engimech Industries is your partner in developing & implementing innovative solutions to all your food processing and packaging challenges.